So I've recently been using a bit of Instagram on my other projects to maximise my social media integration and other similar buzz words and phrases. Does it drive anymore hits to my sites, perhaps it will take awhile for it to be truly be measured. Anyway while I was messing looking through tags to see which would get my follower account up I came across a number of adult images which surprised me especially after getting the the dedicated instagram account for this wonderful site deleted without warning or explanation with images that were a lot more tame. There seem to be a few tag/keywords that those in the know use if they're on the looking out for dicks, tits and butts and remember there are short video clips on Instagram now so there is no end to the creativity you might see. So below I put down some tags for you to use if you want to see what I'm talking about of course the NSFW warning goes without saying people as well as the Sausage Factory warning you ar...
Sex Positive Blog featuring the best of gorgeous celebrities, creative cum art and discussion