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Showing posts from July, 2016

Celebs Thoughts On Dick Pics and Masturbating To Them

You might have thought given the previous post that this was planned as the themes are similar. You'd be wrong though I am nowhere near that well organised still this is a nice coincidence. The first reason for this post was a YouTube Vlog that blew up on my timeline. In the above video as that Title suggests Meg does touch briefly on that question and her response to it. There's a fairly impressive argument over on her channel about whether the Title is Clickbait and then of course what does the term "Clickbait" mean/include. If you're interested in my thoughts leave a comment and I'll put my view but for now we've got a lot to cover. At 14:35 she answers the question with a sort of hands off approach just watch for yourself as I've even given you the timestamp. I just thought it would be crazy of me not to highlight something like this after going on and on about it in my posts and on Twitter etc. I even asked Magda Apanowicz something simila...

Do We Prefer Fantasising About Celebrities?

That title is a little awkward because there is a lot I am trying to get across. I argue that in these days or easy access to adult content that when it comes to fantasising (yes and masturbation too) boys and girls tend to gravitate to celebrities and New Media Stars. What has lead to this? Whereas 10 years ago it might be that mystery hot blonde from a poster or a male model looking extra good in his Calvin Klein's that really set pulses racing. There seems to be more of a need or desire to connect to the object of your desire on a superficial level. Yep we can blame Social Media all the way back to MySpace to now. Celebrities have followers now that they can connect with directly, followers who can be mobilized into an army for good or ill. Look at YouTube which can pull people up from obscurity through a mix of hustle and luck. Trust a guy who searches through adult content the amount of stuff around YouTube and New Media Stars is staggering and a lot more numerou...