You might have thought given the previous post that this was planned as the themes are similar. You'd be wrong though I am nowhere near that well organised still this is a nice coincidence. The first reason for this post was a YouTube Vlog that blew up on my timeline. In the above video as that Title suggests Meg does touch briefly on that question and her response to it. There's a fairly impressive argument over on her channel about whether the Title is Clickbait and then of course what does the term "Clickbait" mean/include. If you're interested in my thoughts leave a comment and I'll put my view but for now we've got a lot to cover. At 14:35 she answers the question with a sort of hands off approach just watch for yourself as I've even given you the timestamp. I just thought it would be crazy of me not to highlight something like this after going on and on about it in my posts and on Twitter etc. I even asked Magda Apanowicz something simila...
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